Thursday, April 16, 2020

Big Mek with Kustom Force Field from AoBR Nob (Start to Finish)

Here is the finished product, work in progress shots below.

For the base model, I use a plastic Nob from the Assault on Black Reach box set.

First things first, I removed the extra detail on the shoulders, because I will be building them up differently.

Next I start building the shoulder plates, the backpack area, and the under arm.

Added an old Shoota that I think fits the model so far.

At this point I have the basic structure for the arm down, and I have added some pins to anchor the backpack to later.

Filling the arm out the the desired shape and adding some mechanical details.

I went for a classic mek/techmarine vibe for the hand, and added a little plate to his boots.

Swapped the shoota for a more converted one here.

The Kustom Force Field was built a long time ago, so I don't have any WIP pics for it unfortunately. Its made from an old computer resistor (I think), some tau crisis suit bits, smoke launchers, and some plasticard exhausts. Added a few greenstuff straps as well.

I really like the one on the left better in a vacuum, but the right looks better on the model, so I swapped the shoota again.

Added a head that fit well, and some GS goggles.

The base is that diamond pattern industrial steel (in plasticard form).

Super happy about how the clamp arm turned out. 

Rear view of the Kustom Force Field

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