Sunday, April 19, 2020

A How to by Jitsu: Cheap and Easy Lootas

Back in the day I really wanted the full 45 lootas, but there was no way I was going to buy that many kits. I did get one, and I built the lootas and used the spare bits along with some leftover boyz to make the burnas. Then I trimmed their weapons down to just a stock, and added various heavy weapons from my bitz box. Tada, 8 lootas from one box. Then I went a step farther and bought all the burna bits from some local ork players, for around $30.

Here are the results.

I actually like the look of these guys better than the original lootas. This one is a lascannon off a sentinel. 

Heavy Bolter swap.

A Shuriken Cannon from a war walker, this one needed a little green stuff to fit together right.

This is one of my favorites, I looted this design from somewhere  on the net. Its two shootas from the ork boyz kit stacked on top of each other, and the end of the weapon is the barrel of a Tau Fusion Blaster.

Another Shuriken Cannon, but this time in a commical pose. The extra power cable is guitar string.

For these two I scratch built some Assault Cannons. I will be puting up a tutorial on that build at a later date.

A pair of scratch built Lascannons, these don't need a whole tutorial though. You just use two plasticard tubes, one that fits snug inside the other, and cut the outer tube into appropriate lengths.

One last Lascannon, this time off an old Predator.

And there you have it, double the lootas, for half the price.

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